what a crappy, crappy day. firstly it's a monday; severe mondayitis. secondly, they organised to play tennis after work today but forgot to tell me. the culprit you ask? as punishment, i've decided to publish my colleagues photo for the world to see.

don't be fooled by the cutesy little christmas reindeer antlers, they are really devilish horns.
It's Christmas already? I thought it was only a little more than four months ago.
4:17 am
Did you realize that you will spend 1/7th of your life on Mondays?!!! That's like (checking calculator) 14.3% of your life, for cryin' out loud. Love the Monday, love thyself.
Nice blogging! Keep it up.
Goo (a.k.a. anti-capital-girl):
I had no idea your name is mariam. How... un-goo-like. I refuse to call you that.
5:53 pm
Nice blogging indeed. This blog had damn well not get better than mine. Or I'll fly down there and kung fu your arse.
Yeah, Goo is just her middle name. And she's STILL mis-spelling my real name.
8:06 am
thanks so much for the warm welcome afe's crazy friends!
yes, we're a little slow down here and have just finished christmas festivites.
goo; i can tell already we're going to get along famously, my blog name is a by-product of swedish piss-taking!!!
2:30 pm
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