No Pain No Pain

some of you may want to be seated for this but... i have joined a gym. i have always been one of those people that snickered, chuckled and gaffawed at those little freaks in their lycra-clad outfits with their obligatory water bottles and i-pod strapped arms. I'm not into working out. My philosophy is no pain, no pain. i come from a long line of pasty-white skinned indoorsy types (albeit greatly revered for his mushroom + feta cheese foccacia). not only does no one in my family play sport, but they don't even watch sport.
it facinates me how fitness-fanatics love to go on about it as well, they somehow manage to throw it into any conversation. "while i was on my 12k run this morning...." my dad summed it up so well the other week; he couldn't understand why someone would drive to the gym, try to park as close as possible to the entrance and then get on a machine and walk or run to get fit. it's all psychological i s'pose.
why did i join you ask? i wanted to know what all the damn fuss was about. but to be completely honest, i am actually enjoying it. (watch this space to hear all about my 12k run...)
Great! Finally! Does that mean I get to go running with you every morning at seven when I come over there next time? I can't wait! My two favourite things in one: jogging and early mornings.
2:36 am
Sport is for losers.
See you in hospital.
10:56 am
yes moa, you will run with me in the morning and you will love it! although i am a little scared of you in the morning... after that we can go to the pub.
afe, go and make me a foccacia.
3:05 pm
Does that mean no more drinking in the night-time? Instead we'll move our drinking sessions to nine in the morning, passing out at three in the afternoon and then be fit for fight to run at seven again? Could you please, please, pleeeaaase, send me some photos of yourself in running gear ...
9:00 pm
Yay!!Well done Hoggy!! I remember those sunny days in London (there were a few) when Mark used to drag us to the park to play soccer. How long did that last. But I have something to tell you. I know you won't believe me but.... I go to gym 6 or 7 times a week. I have a personal trainer named Ryan Manthe (surname included so you don't think it is my brother) who I pay to torture me 3 times a week. I'm addicted. Miserable on the days I don't get there.
9:54 pm
Ohh and if you are scared of Moa in the morning - how scary can she be cos I remember how scary you'd be if I went over my shower time!!
9:59 pm
Heidi has changed ... She's now perky and cheerful in the mornings ... It's scary.
And I actually work out as well ... I'm ashamed, but I'm blame it all on my age.
10:07 pm
encroaching on someone's shower time is a different issue ninny... moa yells at people in the morning, it's quite disturbing.
stay tuned for pictures of me in running gear and stories about my 12k runs...
1:48 pm
I would never yell in the morning unless someone tried to wake me up at seven (when I'm on holiday), after five hours sleep, by shouting "Good morning, Moa" repeatedly in my ear, completely ignoring my pulling the cover over my head.
But yes, I can't stand perky people in the morning.
5:00 pm
Hoggy, I'm soooo proud of you!!!
Well... You can't occuse me of being the only insane person that runs now!!! You should fly down to do the QLD Half Marathon with me this Sun...
4:24 pm
OK, Heidi, we know that you joined the gym, but now we want some proof that you've actually worked out as well ...
8:56 pm
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