Liberate or Incarcerate?

look, i'm sorry ok? i got entangled in this new phenomenon called facebook and between all the personal e-mails, facebooking, surfing the intermanet etc at work i haven't had time to blog... truth be told, life has been a bit uneventful of late. picture this; we're in the dead of winter, it's windy, cold, rainy, dark when you get up and dark when you come home and you are only left with the faintest memory of sitting under a coconut tree sipping bintang. we have the most annoying winters here, they're not pretty white winters like europe or blue skied Qld winters, they are just grey and yukky. winter also means one thing; drinking season (aka rugby season). which, in a nut shell, means that i am left on my jack jones every saturday night. i do believe there is one more game and then the souvlaki-and-beer-breath-pour-yourself-through-the-door weekly ritual is over for another year.
i had a bit of an epiphany the other morning while tucking in the corners of our bed. why do i have to do this? why is it assumed that i make the bed? was there a rules book that i read and it stated that i have to do this? how come i can't sleep in, get up, fart, make myself a cup of tea, burp and surf the internet for half an hour?
i mean, this was a typical scenario for us last week;
finish a long day at work, pick up a 6 pack of beer for ferret, get home and make ferret's lunch, take garbage out, pick up ferret from train station, cook dinner for ferret, load dishwasher and finally get to sit down at 8pm.
to make it clear, i don't blame ferret, i mean if i had someone waiting on me hand and foot i probably wouldn't complain either. but what i would like to know is, how did this come about? if i'm doing all this aren't i supposed to be unemployed? a 'house wife'? is this what all the bra burning was about? so, thanks to a bunch of radical feminists, we not only have to be a 'house wife' we also now have to work full-time? i'm confused. one thing i know for sure is that if there is such a thing as reincarnation, i wanna come back as a bloke.
Labels: drinking season, things i don't get
First of all, is it a coincidence that the first plog post you write in ages happens to be written on the day Facebook is "temporarily unavilable due to maintenance"? And is it a coincident that I happen to check you blog in ages on this same day?
I can only congratulate you on realising that you don't need to do all that stuff. Consider yourself enlightened. Now all you have to do is stop doing it. Good luck with that!
Then again, if you hadn't done it to start pof with, you might have ended up a sour old spinster like myself, way past my prime. Because it might be true what my gran once said: "How are you ever going to find yourself a man, Moa, if your standard is that the two of you should be equal"?
8:36 pm
yes, it is all a big co-inky-dink i swear! guess what i did this morning? i left all the dishes in the sink! i am very proud of myself... this is the big test; i'll see how long it takes...
9:23 am
Right ... so how DID it go? A wild guess is that you came back fram work, the dirty dishes were still there, and since you can't stand mess you did them yourself. Am I right?
5:00 pm
man, you know me too well... he did get a stern talking to though and has been very well behaved ever since...
5:04 pm
So, does that make up for the poor result I got on your test ...? Because I really know you.
So, he's been doing the dishes, and cooked and stuff lately? In that case, good on you! And I know for a fact he makes the most lovely Parmesan and pickled onion sandwiches.
5:15 pm
alright, you are forgiven for your lousy 20%... yeah, i'll have dinner ready on the table tonight actually! :)
5:23 pm
Good, that means you'll have more time to spend on facebook tonight!
5:47 pm
think yourself lucky that you have someone like Ferret to do all those things for. He no doubt appreciates all your "womanly" efforts, and shows you his appreciation in the usual manly way... subtly...but a good wife will pick up on this and be thankful. By the way, if you are so busy, where do you find the time to Faceplant or Facelook or whatever this new thing is.. i'm sure this is only taking up more Ferret pampering time. I don't know the man, but he sounds like a tip top bloke... he's "fair dinken".
8:25 am
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