Pole Dancing

i must admit, i have a new respect for pole dancers. once you get past the feeling that you're going to end up in a tangled mess on the floor, with one of your stiletto heels embedded in your leg and everyone standing around laughing at you, it is really good fun. it takes an inhuman amount of strength to climb one of those poles but these tiny blonde women with their toned little butts make it look so damn easy. it was not a pretty sight watching me attempt it; i managed to cling to the pole a couple of times before dropping like louie the fly. the twirly routines are more my style and much less embarrassing for me to say the least.
now i know what you are all saying, 'where are the photo's?'. it's never going to happen my friend... possibly photo's in running gear but that is about all i can muster at this point in my athletic life.
Your beginner's certificate is the first step in a lucrative career in pole dancing.
10:33 am
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