disclaimer; if you go on a night out with me and i have a little blue olympus camera with me, it is more than likely your mug (or fat head, slapsy) will end up on this blog.

13 February, 2007

Bogansville & Golf

for most long weekends, we normally partake in a little camping and this australia day was no different. we thought we'd be a little adventurious and go somewhere we hadn't been before. but in style. that's right we took, what's now known as, "the big top" and all our other mod-cons and ended up at a caravan park in paynesville, or, as it became known to us, bogansville. let's just say we felt over-dressed at the local pub in a singlet and shorts. it's a very pretty spot in the world but it needs a major revamp.

i'm a sucker for a beautiful sunset.

we did the touristy thing and did a boat tour around the lakes; beautiful but 4 hours? *yawn*

rigby island, lakes entrance.

just another friday afternoon at the victorian golf open... luckily i work for a fabulous company who often have social events and lunches (and i am known to love a long lunch). the head honcho is a member of woodlands golf club and we ended up at the vic open instead of work. gotta love that. i have to admit that i did my fair share of whinging about having to walk around in the hot sun for hours on end but they kept me calm with a constant supply of crown lager.

the highlight of the day being when a 'newbie' (is there nothing that wikipedia doesn't know?) got a little drunk and dehydrated and we found him wandering around in the bushes like a scrub turkey. poor thing had only been with us for one week. his new nickname is 'ralph' now so that's nice. i wanted it to be 'murali' but apparently i have to wait for one of our sri lankan newbies to get hammered and make an idiot of themselves...

now apparently this guy is famous if you'd like to get your microscope out. i'd never heard of him but it is none other than scott draper... according to my sources, he's a bit of a tosser.

the only thing that kept me sane, the beloved beer buggy that followed us around.

in conclusion to my blog of very random pics taken throughout the month of jan, i finish with dendy road beach, brighton. this is what happens when it's a sunny sunday afternoon in melbourne. complete pandemonium at it's finest.

and the very famous brighton bathing boxes. noice eh? i want one.


Blogger Moa-Lisa Björk said...

And at the same time in Stockholm, Moa-Lisa is brushing the snow off her woollen hat, cursing the fact that her ancestors didn't have the brains to migrate to warmer latitudes.

7:09 pm

Blogger Dandillian said...

god love those who said to the convicts 'no, no, you go and be punished in all that sun and we'll stay here in the rain'...

2:04 pm

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Is this possible?

4:40 am


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