disclaimer; if you go on a night out with me and i have a little blue olympus camera with me, it is more than likely your mug (or fat head, slapsy) will end up on this blog.

02 November, 2006

A 25 Year-Old Contraption

in preparation for our little adventure to sydney this weekend, i dusted off some of our family's children's books (that i snaffled when no one was looking) to take up for tate and miekles.

i got a little distracted and... er, started flipping through a few of them. i came across this little invention that i had stuck to the inside cover of one of my favourite enid blyton books. it took us ages to figure out what it actually did. the first one to figure it out will win a slab of beer.

hint: my christmas cards used to have real huntsmen spiders glued to the inside of them. purely for effects.


Blogger Afe said...

Oh wow, I think I have a vague memory. Does it snap your fingers or make a loud noise or something when you open the book?

12:40 pm

Blogger Dandillian said...

you get one beer for the loud noise.

1:09 pm

Blogger Moa-Lisa Björk said...

Since no one could guess, aren't you gonna tell us?

1:56 am


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