
it took a good six months of house-hunting before we finally found and bought our beautiful little house, just over two years ago. signing the contract was like signing our wedding certificate, i was so nervous on both occasions i'd be surprised if they were legible signatures on either of them.

the back yard is most definately our favourite room in the house and during the summer we practically live out there. there is nothing better than sitting out there on a lazy sunday afternoon, semi-clothed, sipping baileys on ice and soaking up the sun (being a queenslander i am partially solar-powered).

around six months ago the little old lady next door sold her house and a couple of months ago we were advised that an evil developer had acquired it and was applying to build three new units on it. not one, not two, but three. two double-storey units and one single-storey at the back. we then discovered that the middle unit will be entirely over-looking our back yard oasis. the original plans were rejected by the council, of which we were v. pleased about but the developer has taken the decision to VCAT (victorian civil and administrative tribunal) to try and get the decision over-turned. not much we can do about it for now but fingers crossed.
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