disclaimer; if you go on a night out with me and i have a little blue olympus camera with me, it is more than likely your mug (or fat head, slapsy) will end up on this blog.

03 June, 2006

Ferrets' Funky Floors

after living in an utter shambles for the past two weeks, the floors are finished!

let me just start by saying anyone who voluntarily has cream carpet in their house must be one green maraschino cherry short of a fruitcake. hubby had a quiet couple of weeks (work-wise) up his sleeve or at least he thought... being an opportunist, i had other plans.

the results are in and i am officially married to the ultimate handy man.


work in progress...

ta daaaaaaaaaaaa!


the hoover...

more ta daaaaaaaaaaaa!


Blogger Afe said...


8:30 am

Blogger Moa-Lisa said...

Your house looks pratically Swedish now! But our floors are, of course, heated in winter. Are yours?

9:04 pm


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