Over The Hedge
ah, so little time, so much to blog about. i'm ecstatic i'm up and running again and boy oh boy do i have some fabulous pics to share.
a group of us went to the riva bar at the st kilda marina on froidee noight just for a few quiet drinks for lak's birthday and a bit of a general catch up. i have just figured out the new formula; riva = fantastic night...
before i take you through it, i'd just like to add this disclaimer; if you go on a night out with me and i have a little blue olympus camera with me, it is more than likely your mug (or fat head, slapsy) will end up on this blog.

firstly let me introduce you our very dear friend and serial-cleaner louie/lois/low-arse/poppet/victoria beckham/athol/hammy (she is very camera shy as you can see)

i'll just try and set the scene for you, it's about 1am and we've all had a great night, laughing, joking, dancing (some the chicken dance) and general revelling. while waiting for a cab, louie decided to take a step back and lean on the 'sturdy' hedge behind her. well, the rest is history and somehow (in complete hysterics) i managed to get in this shot of her flat on her back in the hedge.

NB: the brooch. she was very emossshional at this point. bet she'd rather set her hair on fire than see this photo again...
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