it has taken a little while, but we have finally caught up with all the jones's of the world. that's right, we are the proud new owners of a plasma tv (or plarrrsma tevelision as i prefer to call it). i can be damn impatient when it comes to gadgety things; i want them and i want them now. we were waiting for the painting of the lounge room to be finished which hubby finally got around to doing. saying that, i can't really complain as he does spend almost all weekend working on the house, while i'm out swishing it up at cocktail parties and the like...
but wait; but it doesn't stop there. i also managed to gently persuade (i've told you before; i don't nag) hubby to get foxtel installed. (or 'foxtail' as i was calling it after a few beers with lunch) i haven't had foxtail for many years and am absolutely chuffed that i no longer have to suffer through countless episodes of 'home and away'. (v. slim pickings; it was either 'futurama' and i don't do adult cartoons or some game show of which i don't do either)
but wait; but it doesn't stop there. i also managed to gently persuade (i've told you before; i don't nag) hubby to get foxtel installed. (or 'foxtail' as i was calling it after a few beers with lunch) i haven't had foxtail for many years and am absolutely chuffed that i no longer have to suffer through countless episodes of 'home and away'. (v. slim pickings; it was either 'futurama' and i don't do adult cartoons or some game show of which i don't do either)

hi unc, that telly u got looks bloody big! Some people might say "Crikey" infact. At least its impressive and you can show it off! Looking forward to coming over! So beware! haha! Take it easy the pair of you! Your Nephew, Mark.
o and mike, COME ON YOU IRONS!
7:28 am
hi mark! great to hear from you! how's things? looking forward to your visit & watching the hammers on the big screen. unc.
6:55 pm
yer things are pretty good here but was racing the other night and got knocked around a bit on track! i cant wait to come over! I dont really want to talk about the irons at the moment. They are doing my head in! haha! Hows work? Mine really busy and to much paperwork! Mark
4:16 am
yeah, all good here too. really busy with work, which is good and bad in different ways... :)
10:49 am
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