disclaimer; if you go on a night out with me and i have a little blue olympus camera with me, it is more than likely your mug (or fat head, slapsy) will end up on this blog.

17 September, 2006


in some cases, it seems that once the ring is on the proverbial finger, it can cause the bearer to turn into a great big softy. after all, his nickname, cap, is derived from 'the captain of lurrrrrve'. not really sure how a barba-ma-que ended up in a balinese-themed-nail-painting soirée. but i'm not complaining though, i do enjoy the odd pampering.

a gathering of dandillians, wookiees and ewoks.

the rabbit-in-the-headlights-look says it all...

obviously mispelt; there should be an 'r' in there somewhere...


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