disclaimer; if you go on a night out with me and i have a little blue olympus camera with me, it is more than likely your mug (or fat head, slapsy) will end up on this blog.

20 October, 2006

The Midas Touch

midas: the fabled king of phrygia to whom dionysus gave the power of turning to gold all that he touched.

us: the surburban young couple who have the power of turning to shite all that they touch.

surely, it happens to everyone? you know, one of those weeks where everything goes wrong? i won't bore you and go into details but it's been a bit of a crappy week for us. let's see, our foxtail stopped working for no apparent reason, as did our oven, we've both got some sort of mutant cold that just won't go away, our home phone doesn't work and our house is "in a dip" (i'm still not sure what that means) so our mobiles don't have reception. so we're basically isolated from the outside world when we're at home. hubby's $300 ear muffs stopped working so i now have to listen to endless hours of david bowie, the clash and other prehistoric compositions.

but wait, there's more! just in order to see the week out with a grand finale, a big bang if you will, i reached the peak of my crappy week and had a car accident on the way home last night. you know when you see young p-platers, arm and cigarette hanging out the window, weaving in and out of traffic, and you think to yourself, 'i would just LOVE to see him go up someone's clacker'? well, i thought that, and then it happened. but it was my clacker. fortunately, i was relatively unscathed, just quite shaken.

anyhoo, here's to the forthcoming weekend, my health, my family and my friends.

17 October, 2006


ni hao! the time has come and for once it actually is all about her. this is my very dear friend thea (aka slapsy, t, teezie, vampire splayer). she's one of those people that love the camera after a few cardonnays but in the cold and harsh light of day, is horrified when she sees the pics. saying that, i would like to point out, that quite a few of these pics in my little collage were actually self portraits.

now remember kids, water, woine, water, woine...

ps; be sure to click on the pic so you can enjoy an enlarged view; i wouldn't want you to miss anything.

12 October, 2006

Trussed Turkeys & Drunk Unicorns

well, waddoyaknow, i was finally able to meet hubby's footy mates, you know, the ones that keep him out until all hours every saturday night during rugby season. we attended the 2006 club awards which was, (to my delight as i have never seen hubby in a bow tie) a penguin suit affair. unfortunately, i discovered that his mates are all really lovely blokes, and i really don't have a leg to stand on when it starts all over again next season...

my little trussed turkey.

hubby & tommy (who, i deduced, is pretty much solely responsible for my lonely saturday nights)

and then i found out what they really get up to... ewwwww.

i found some very strange pics on my camera, but none were clear enough to make out what was actually under the kilt...

talented posers as well as sportsmen...

apparently this is an award??