disclaimer; if you go on a night out with me and i have a little blue olympus camera with me, it is more than likely your mug (or fat head, slapsy) will end up on this blog.

24 April, 2007

Happy, Happy Holly-Days

2007 will now be known as the year of holidays. this one has been on the cards for a while but the destination that we have all been waiting to find out with bated breath is now known. for ferret's mum's (mrs ferret) 60th birthday in august, we will be celebrating her actual birthday with a 3 day stopover in steak & kidney and then spending a luxurious 8 days in port douglas in north Qld.

i vaguely remember a childhood trip up there, where 2 things stand out in my mind:

1. i ate a mussel that tasted like mud and nearly vomited.

2. we were with a rich family friend and he wanted to shout us a night at the sheraton mirage (a very ritzy hotel) and my then-poor parents wouldn't accept. in my mind i was shouting at them 'ACCEPT DAMN IT, LOOK AT THE MASSIVE OCEAN-LIKE SWIMMING POOL AND SLIPPERY SLIDE!'.

during my recent research on port douglas and it's surroundings, i discovered that the sheraton mirage has 5 ACRES OF POOLS.

scarred for life.

20 April, 2007

Keeping The Rabbits Out.

no, it's not us. NOT YET, BUT IT WILL BE!

yep, we're off to the land of glittery flip flops, wooden salad servers, sharts and emperor nasi goreng.

after much deliberation (and hinting/gentle persuasion) we are off on a long-awaited-well-deserved-much-needed short break to bali. it's only for a week but for someone who spent 5 years overseas travelling/working and who hasn't really been anywhere exciting in a very long time, a little jaunt to a foreign land is positively exhilarating. we splurged a little and will be staying at the legion beach hotel, quite swanky for someone who used to stay in smelly hostels with drunk strangers peeing in your backpack in the middle of the night.

kinda by accident and kinda not, turns out we are the same flight there as crap and sarndy...! i think the plan thus far is that ferret, sarndy and i can lounge by the pool drinking bintang and arak attacks and crap can get lessons on balinese nail painting...

19 April, 2007

Dreams Schmeams

personally i don't believe that dreams always have to mean something. last night i dreamt that i was nekkid on a spaceship, got off and had to weigh portions of 400 grams of crushed peanuts. wha tha? apparently this signifies the following;

To dream that you are naked, denotes the fear of being found out and exposed about your activities and misjudgment.

To see a spaceship in your dream, symbolizes your creative mind. It denotes a spiritual journey of self-development and self-awareness. You may need to take a different perspective, no matter how bizarre or unusual it may be.

To see peanuts in your dream, symbolize the need to get to the truth or core of something. You may also need to start pushing yourself and utilizing your full potential, consider the peanuts in your dream to be a pun for money and what little you have of it. It may represent your financial difficulties.

so i'm worried people are going to find out i have no money or something? and what's with the specific 400 grams? interesting stuff, but i reckon i was just hungry, overheated and delirious from having the electric blanket up too high.

18 April, 2007


so there i was at work, happily photocopying, gazing out from our first floor window with a glassy-eyed-i'm-so-bored-because-photocopying-is-so-mind-numbingly-dull look on my face, when my gaze happened upon a pair of rosy butt cheeks.

we have an ugly nekkid man at work!

there he was just wandering around in all his glory for the world to see. fair enough, he was at home and is perfectly entitled to do whatever he likes, but i don't really get the whole wandering around the house nekkid thing. it was like a car crash, i couldn't tear my eyes away. with knee-jerk reaction, i did the obvious thing and alerted everyone in the office to our new daily entertainment.

stay tuned for updates on ugly nekkid man.

17 April, 2007

Camp Muzza: Part 2

our easter break went so damn fast this year, one minute ferret was ordering me around putting cirque de soleil up, then in what seemed 2 hours later, we were heaving it back into the car. it was, for the most part, very relaxing though.

sometimes i'd just love to be a bloke, i'd just throw all our camping paraphernalia into the boot (carefully checking off each item on a list the wife had prepared for the occasion), stop at old mcdonald's for a quick brekky, drive a couple of hours muttering profanities at all the easter traffic under my breath, order the wife around about how to erect the tent, then crack a stubbie and sit by the fire burping and farting for 4 days.

alright, i exaggerate, but only slightly.

ah, the serenity...

we had our vicious pretzel-eating fluff-ball, bud bud, keeping guard on our camp spot this year. cute eh? not so cute at 3am barking outside your tent...

(i still want one though)

there was no raging inferno this year, probably due to the fact that (by no fault of my own), my sugar levels are quite depleted by around 3pm each day, therefore forcing me to take a siesta, which is unfortunately the same time the fire wood is collected. i say that siesta's are absolutely imperative to the well being of oneself, particularly during periods of holidays and camping trips.

possibly due to the lack of raging inferno, our campsite got invaded by huntsman spiders. anyone who knows me, knows that i am utterly petrified of large spiders (i don't mind the little ones that you can just flick off or, even better, stomp on) fortunately, i didn't spot one until the last day so i only had one night dreaming about giant spiders licking their lips and chasing me along the river bank.

cirque de soleil.

craparoony. looks quite manly and tough with the beer in hand eh? don't be fooled; for someone 10ft tall, he drinks like a girl.

dog breath and beer breath.


16 April, 2007

A Time to Suffer...

i couldn't keep blogging without making you suffer through some more pics of my cute niece and nephew. i was up in sunny Qld again a few weeks ago for dad's birthday. i know it sounds like i'm up there every 5 minutes but it's all thanks to a well known mr branson, who made the 'air fair'.

looking very smigs and writing birthday cards to grandad.

you have tom boys, and then you have mieke's...

noice, eh?

this was 2 minutes before he ran into a tree in the dark and ended up with a fat lip and bark embedded in his face...

baby cino anyone?

13 April, 2007

No Fiery Redheads

i'm back! our office move has taken place and i am returning to a world that includes dandillian blogs, albeit sporadic.

so, to get you up to date, first things first. st paddys was almost a month ago and the month of march also marks the anniversary of my blogging debut. i was a bit sad this year as there was no fiery redhead to celebrate, snog one of my friends, do cowboy shots and wear ridiculous hats or bunny ears with. i still begrudgingly managed to have a fabulous day at the mordialloc fine food and wine festival (understandably as 'food', 'wine' and 'festivals' are my three favourite-ist things in the world)

solely for pure entertainment value, we brought the big top along.

another one of those pics where you just squint and say WTF??? are they holding hands??? i just knew there was something funny about phyllis, with the whole running like a girl thing and wearing capes, leotards and rubber gloves. these two will now officially be known as phyllis and lilac. hmpf, who knew...

this was a pre-lick telling off. it didn't work.

lilac and the business of ferrets.