i went a bit overboard with my little camera this festive season and have a zillion pics that i could post, but have tried my darnedest to keep it to a minimum.
we flew to not-so-sunny Queensland to spend the joyful season with the family at
my bro's new-ish house. who, by the way, has just left for a year long working holiday in the UK. although right now i think he may be sipping piƱa colada's on a beach in thailand somewhere. lucky git. (only 7.5-ish ridiculously long months until hawaii...) christmas was great though, i was really dreading the humidity but it wasn't too bad this year. (i nearly melted last year) trish hosted a fabulous cold lunch and we spent hours unravelling pressies and gasping with delight. normally mum blackmails us by making us clean up the lunch mess before pressie-opening, but her evil ploy was thwarted by ingenious paper plates and cups. bwah, ha, ha, ha.

there was some typical pommie whinging about how it doesn't feel like a real christmas over here so i made the best chrimbo tree ever. i have a bit of an obsession with using real trees as dad always made sure we always had one. he missed the boat one year and couldn't find one so we ended up with a gum tree...!

these are the clowns i have to put up with at work.
so far i have mieke trained to brush my hair and tate to give me massages.
just posted for obvious cuteness reasons.
leaving a little midnight snackie for 'santa claus' and his 'reindeer'. i still don't believe that reindeer eat carrots... any clarification from my favourite swedish reader?
proof that santa doesn't exist! i may have to delete this pic once they're old enough to read...
pressies from grandma in england.
the not-so-sane grandma in oz.
don't be fooled by his bravado appearance on his blog, the afe likes nothing better than a mummy massage.
a definate highlight was catching up with an old friend that we haven't seen since she was my bridesmaid 7 years ago. it is most definately astounding with close friends how you can pick it all up again like it was yesterday. i have absolutely no idea what my sis is doing. ps; ninny, there is no such word as fictio...
queensland sunsets always knock me for six (and make me a little homesick).
the fambily.
bubble mania.
the source.
now you see it, now you don't.
no reason for this pic, i just thought it was purdy.