well, as always, it went fast but boy-oh-boy am i nice and relaxed. we've been back almost 2 weeks and i still feel like i'm lying under the coconut trees on the beach. nup, not much going to stress me out.
most days were spent by firstly making the most of our 'breakfast included' deal, followed by a guilty walking off of our big brekkys with the sun beating down on our heads. i learnt early on that if i wanted to get to even touch a pair of sparkly sandals then i was gonna have to ditch ferret, who did the goose-step past all the glittery things while i almost had to run to keep up with him. after the goose-step we would spend a couple of hours cooling down and laze by/in the pool reading. afternoons were spent at our little hang-out on the beach with ferret drinking bintang, crap desperately trying to surf, and sanj and myself buying beads, getting foot massages, nails painted, sipping diet coke and cracking jokes about crap's fake tattoo and the length of ferrets toe-nails. we did the indonesian thing at dinner and although i was dying for a big, fat, greasy hamburger after a few days but not wanting to be the first and only one to break tradition i followed suite.
a fabulous time had by all but if i never hear the words 'you want bangle?', 'massage?', 'tlansport?', 'looky looky', 'where you flom?', 'you got australian coin?' again i would be more than happy.
the long awaited first pina colada of the holiday.
crap does love his little gay cocktails...

and another...
the classic before and after.
ferret thinking he has just gotten a crappy gunners DVD for his birthday.
and then realising that i had secretly bought him tickets to the gunners concert...!

the sari club memorial and the void where the club was.
shortly after this was taken he discovered that wild monkeys get angry when you taunt them with plastic wrappers.
yes, that is a look of holy-crap-i've-got-a-monkey-on-my-back-but-people-are-looking-at-me-so-i-have-to-pretend-i-am-not-utterly-TERRIFIED.

ferret and crap at our hang-out on the beach. i'm guessing the guys chose it because it was between two bars.
in my element.
pfft. fake tattoos are for girlies.

a rare sighting of the beach dwelling silver haired ferret.
sunset at legian beach.

it was almost worth getting dragged out of the shower for.

just a lazy arvo in the pool.

disturbingly, we think he actually liked having the flower in his hair... someone probably should've told him he had rice stuck to his forehead though...

but i topped off the holiday with the grand-daddy of all cocktails.
Labels: holly-days