No Pain No Pain

some of you may want to be seated for this but... i have joined a gym. i have always been one of those people that snickered, chuckled and gaffawed at those little freaks in their lycra-clad outfits with their obligatory water bottles and i-pod strapped arms. I'm not into working out. My philosophy is no pain, no pain. i come from a long line of pasty-white skinned indoorsy types (albeit greatly revered for his mushroom + feta cheese foccacia). not only does no one in my family play sport, but they don't even watch sport.
it facinates me how fitness-fanatics love to go on about it as well, they somehow manage to throw it into any conversation. "while i was on my 12k run this morning...." my dad summed it up so well the other week; he couldn't understand why someone would drive to the gym, try to park as close as possible to the entrance and then get on a machine and walk or run to get fit. it's all psychological i s'pose.
why did i join you ask? i wanted to know what all the damn fuss was about. but to be completely honest, i am actually enjoying it. (watch this space to hear all about my 12k run...)