'there's no place in the world like sydney'. well, they got that wrong. there is a place like sydney, it's called melbourne. if i wanted crap weather, i would've stayed home. it rained from when we arrived until when we left. don't get me wrong, we had a fantasic time regardless. except for the flights that is. i don't fly well, i know i shouldn't watch 'air crash investigations' but i am but a moth drawn to a flame. i was convinced i heard one of the engines cut out at one point; although it didn't seem to disturb hubby's nap.

the absolute, most-definate, unquestionable highlight of the trip was (apart from a little goodnight crotch kiss mishap by tate) the priscilla drag show at the imperial hotel ('a straight-friendly gay nightclub'). apart from a superb show with sparkles and glitter everywhere, we discovered that hubby is apparently quite appealing to the patrons of this particular hotel. sis and i got endless hours of amusement pinching him on the backside. needless to say, he was very skittish and had a mild case of whiplash by the time we left.